Well, it was quite nice yesterday, so we decided to do it again today. Mainly to give SRIKKANTH opportunity to also visit Zemun and discover it’s specific charm. After a brief walk and some local anecdotes, we settled on a coffee-shop terrace. In the meantime, Srikkhant managed to complete his usual two-pager from every new place he visits – a whole spread filled with sketches of people he actually met:

Like this guy playing his violin on the street:

And also his sketch from the National Museum he visited this morning:

We only had so much time for our last session before he had to go. But he kindly offered me to try an Indian brand of watercolor paper, named KHADI, which he had in a postcard format.

It’s a proper heavy weight paper with beautiful deckled edges, so I put a brief stop to my “monochrome period” in order to test against my standard watercolor approach:

And it was sweet 🙂 Thanks a lot and until the next time!