Evo još jednog sjajnog festivala, zaista rame uz rame s najboljima. Mostar je grad kontrasta: sa jedne strane, slojevi istorije i tradicije, sa druge, savremen stav i ponuda; sa jedne, još uvek vidljive rane teškog perioda, sa druge, otvoreni i velikodušni ljudi; sa jedne, mala ekipa, sa druge – veliki festival!

Zadovoljstvo je bilo deliti ove dane sa organizatorima, publikom i kolegama. A ako je uopšte potreban dokaz da je Roberto Diso svjetski mega-car, reći ću samo da sam u njegovom prisustvu progovorio i italijanski 🙂 Hvala svima za sjajan vikend! Želim vam još mnogo takvih!

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Here is a festival among the best I have seen. Mostar is a city of contrast: on one hand, layers of history and tradition, on the other, modern attitude and efficacy; on one hand, still visible scars of difficult period, on the other, generous and open-minded people; on one hand, a small group to organize the festival, on the other – big results!

It was a pleasure to share these days with hosts, public and fellow artists. And if any proof was needed that Roberto Diso is a king, I can just say that in his presence I started speaking Italian 🙂 Many thanks to everybody for this memorable week-end! I wish you many more like this!